Central Avenue - Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment

Register to Attend a Public Open House Event in March 13 and 16, 2024.

Register to Attend a Public Open House Event in March 2024!

The project team will present the revised vision statements, draft plan goals, market study results, and preliminary urban design visualizations. This event will signal the end of the public engagement phase as the team transitions to writing the plan. The project team is holding the event on two days to provide flexibility to community members; however, the same information will be presented on both days.

When: Wednesday, March 13th, 4 p.m.–8 p.m. & Saturday, March 16th, 11 a.m.–3 p.m.

WherePrince George’s Sports & Learning Complex, 8001 Sheriff Rd., Landover, MD 20785

Registration link: https://pgplan.org/bluelineopenhouse


The Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan will be a guiding document developed through a multi-year public engagement process, extensive review, and public hearings. The sector plan will address future development in and around Capitol Heights, Addison Road-Seat Pleasant, and Morgan Boulevard Metro Stations, designated as Local Transit Centers in Plan Prince George’s 2035 (Plan 2035). This plan will also focus on FedExField and the Central Avenue corridor. 

Over the past decade, several studies, reports, and implementation strategies have been completed. However, a sector plan has yet to be adopted for the Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line area. The existing documents will be major building blocks for developing this sector plan, thereby solidifying many of the key findings, recommendations, and strategies detailed throughout the reports. 

Central Avenue - Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment map

This plan will entirely replace the 2008 Approved Capitol Heights Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment and supersede (within the project boundaries) the 2010 Approved Subregion 4 Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment. It will reflect the vision and goals of Plan 2035, including focusing on new development in designated centers and preserving existing neighborhoods. This new sector plan will examine the area’s existing conditions, issues, and opportunities identified by community members and other stakeholders, and market potential, and develop a vision and goals for future growth and preservation, along with specific and focused policies and strategies to achieve those goals.

All properties within Prince George’s County outside of the City of Laurel were rezoned on April 1, 2022, to the new zones contained within the County’s adopted 2018 Zoning Ordinance through the Countywide Map Amendment (CMA). A sectional map amendment (SMA) is being conducted concurrently with this plan should properties require further zoning changes to implement the recommendations of this sector plan.

The lack of development and growth that has occurred in this area since the 2008 Approved Capitol Heights Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment implies there is a critical need for updating land use and planning recommendations to incentivize and guide future development within this key area of Prince George’s County.

Project Timeline

Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan Timeline. Project started in Spring 2023 and is scheduled to end in the Fall 2025.

Welcome to our Resources Center!

Here you will find information related to the Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan and the planning process in Prince George’s County. There are some resources located below that will show you what the planning team has been working on.

Online Input Summaries

From September 7 to November 22, 2023, the project team deployed two interactive online input activities, one using the ArcGIS Online Survey123 application and another using Slido.com. The exercises were linked on the project webpage, shared through constant contact emails and social media, included in information shared with stakeholders, and distributed at various community events in QR code form as activity business cards.

The Slido.com platform allowed the community and stakeholders to use 1-3 words to build Word Clouds that represent their vision for each of the three inner-beltway Metro Stations and surrounding area.

Visioning Slido Word Cloud Summary

Actividad de visión: Nube de palabras

The ArcGIS Online Survey123 platform allowed the community and stakeholders to actively participate by dropping pins on a map to indicate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats (SWOT) within the sector plan boundary, accompanied by an explanation. Additionally, users were asked to link their comments to a Plan 2035 element.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Exercise Summary

Resumen del ejercicio de fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas (FODA)

Virtual Public Kickoff Meeting Recording and Summary

Review videos and documents from the Virtual Public Kickoff Meeting Event held on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Welcome videos


Virtual Public Kickoff Meeting Recording

Public Kickoff Presentation (English) // Presentación de inicio público (Español)

Q&A and Slido Poll Response Summary // Resumen de preguntas y respuestas y resultados de la encuesta de Slido 

Existing Conditions Summary StoryMap and Full Report

Take a look at the Existing Conditions Summary StoryMap! The StoryMap, an Esri ArcGIS Online tool, provides a concise, visually engaging, and interactive summary of the existing conditions within the sector plan area organized by the eight Plan 2035 elements.

For even more detail on existing conditions, look at the full report. *Coming Soon* 

Planning in Prince George’s County


The Prince George’s County Planning Department is working tirelessly to create the communities of choice you know and love. We want to provide our residents with all the resources they need to remain informed and a part of the process by which their communities develop and grow. Below are some resources to help you navigate the planning process and learn about current initiatives.

Previous Plans and Studies

The Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan will replace the 2010 Subregion 4 Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, 2008 Capitol Heights Transit District Development Plan, and 2000 Addison Road Metro Area Approved Sector Plan. You can view the plans at the links here to see previous recommendations for the area.

The sector plan will build on the conclusions of multiple studies completed within the last 15 years.


Project Boundary Map



What is a Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)?

A sectional map amendment (SMA) is a comprehensive rezoning amendment for properties within an entire geographic area, such as a subregion, planning area, or part of a planning area. The purpose of an SMA is to revise zoning patterns to conform to the recommendations of the applicable master or sector plan. SMAs are adopted for most plans except for the general plan and functional master plans. An SMA is being done concurrently with this sector plan and will recommend zoning changes for specific properties to achieve the sector plan’s vision and goals.

What is the relationship between this SMA and the Countywide Map Amendment?

The Countywide Map Amendment (CMA) changed the zoning of every property in the County, outside of the City of Laurel, to implement the County’s adopted 2018 Zoning Ordinance. This sector plan and SMA are proceeding under the 2018 Zoning Ordinance and the CMA that went into effect on April 1, 2022. Specific zoning changes beyond what is covered in the CMA are needed to implement the sector plan in the Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line area.

What are the implications of any zoning changes to a property as a result of this plan?

If the planning process recommends rezoning, that will happen at the end of the planning process through a legal update to the zoning map. Even if a property is rezoned, nothing can physically happen to the property unless the owner initiates a change (e.g., sale or redevelopment). Keep in mind that sector plans only produce recommendations for the future; no change can occur to a privately owned property unless initiated by the owner.

How will I know if my property is recommended for a different zone?

If your property is recommended for rezoning through this plan and SMA, you will be notified through US mail, per 27-3407 Scheduling of Hearings and Public Notice of the Zoning Ordinance. Plan recommendations are evaluated through:

  • A public comment period through the Joint Public Hearing (Planning Board and District Council) process
  • Work sessions
  • If required, a second Joint Public Hearing and work session

The Prince George’s Planning Department welcomes and encourages public participation and feedback up until the final version of the plan goes to the County Council for approval. Note that it is the County Council that has the power to approve the plan and authorize changes to the zoning map.

Does a change in zoning mean I am at risk of losing my property?

No. A sector plan is aspirational and outlines goals and makes recommendations for the future of a planning area over a 25-year period. Sector plans do not remove ownership or impose development mandates on residential property owners. If a property owner wants to redevelop a property after the County Council approves and adopts a sector plan and the sectional map amendment, then the new zoning rules would apply.

Online Activity: Vision Exercise


The Vision Exercise comment period closed on January 24th, 2024; however, you can still view the draft vision statements at the link above. Watch the video below to learn more about how we arrived at this stage in the planning process.

Initiation of the Central Avenue – Blue/Silver Line Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)

On May 30, 2023, the Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the District Council, approved Council Resolution CR-053-2023, authorizing the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission to prepare a sector plan and concurrent sectional map amendment (SMA) for the Central Avenue-Blue/Silver Line area, which includes a portion of the Town of Capitol Heights and the City of Seat Pleasant. The Council simultaneously approved the goals, concepts, and guidelines and a public participation program for this comprehensive planning project within portions of Planning Areas 72, 75A, and 75B. 

The sector plan area is located along the MD 214 (Central Avenue) corridor between Washington, D.C., and I-495 (Capital Beltway). It will focus on the areas in and around Capitol Heights, Addison Road-Seat Pleasant, Morgan Boulevard Metro Stations, and FedExField. To see a map of the sector plan boundary, click the above Maps tab. 

The area’s three Metro stations and select properties surrounding them are designated Local Transit Centers by Prince George’s 2035 Approved General Plan (Plan 2035). Local Transit Centers are defined by Plan 2035 as mixed-use areas that are well connected by transit and offer local-serving retail, limited office uses, and a mixture of medium-density housing options. The new sector plan will reflect the vision and goals contained in Plan 2035, including focusing on new development in designated centers and preserving existing neighborhoods, and will amend applicable countywide functional master plans.

The SMA is a process that facilitates the rezoning of properties within a plan’s boundary. Typically, this process results in a change of zoning for only a few properties, and the remaining properties keep their existing zoning classification. For more information, please see the SMA FAQ page.

Now that the sector plan and SMA have been authorized by the Council, the plan preparation process has commenced. The project team will begin implementing the public participation program, and all interested citizens are encouraged to participate in the planning process. Public input meetings and events will be scheduled in person and virtually throughout the summer and early fall of 2023. Additional online input exercises will be made available as well. The project team is excited to begin working on this project and hear what the community has to say!

For more information about this ongoing project and how you can be involved, please email the project team at CABL@ppd.mncppc.org.

Take a Look at the Existing Conditions Summary StoryMap! 

Review the recently published Existing Conditions Summary StoryMap for an overview of the existing conditions within the sector plan area.

To view the StoryMap in full-screen mode, please visit https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/79e4d44808b34404b985dc81be73ea40.

Contact Us

CABL Project Team

William (Bill) Skibinski

Planner III, Long-Range Planning Section

Elena Perry

Planner II, Master Plans and Studies Section

Kierre McCune

Planning Supervisor, Master Plans and Studies Section