Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zones

On October 23, 2018, the Prince George’s County Council adopted a new Zoning Ordinance and new Subdivision Regulations for Prince George’s County. As part of the ongoing Countywide Map Amendment project, new Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zones (NCOZ) were approved for portions of the City of Greenbelt and the City of Mount Rainier. The Countywide Map Amendment was approved on Monday, November 29, 2021. The new Zoning Ordinance, including the Greenbelt Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone and the Mount Rainier Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone, took effect on April 1, 2022.
The purpose of the NCOZ is to protect and preserve the unique development features and character of established neighborhoods throughout the County and to promote new development that is compatible with the existing neighborhood character. Minimum criteria for the designation of an NCOZ are established in the new Zoning Ordinance; unique standards for each zone regulate development, redevelopment, and building alterations.
The Greenbelt NCOZ includes the historic Greenbelt co-op residential community, the Roosevelt Center, Greenbelt Library, Greenbelt Community Center, the forest preserve, Buddy Attick Lake Park, and houses and apartments near the historic core.
It overlays properties zoned AG (Agriculture and Preservation), RR (Residential, Rural), RSF-65 (Residential, Single-Family-65), RSF-A (residential, Single-Family Attached), RMF-20 (Residential, Multifamily-20), and CGO (Commercial, General, and Office). The new Zoning Ordinance, including the Greenbelt Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone, took effect on April 1, 2022.
The Greenbelt NCOZ Study can be found here.
The Greenbelt NCOZ Standards can be found in the New Zoning Ordinance, Section 27-4403(a)(5)(A), or by clicking here.
The Mount Rainier NCOZ overlays the RSF-65 (Residential Single-Family 65) and RSF-A (Residential Single-Family Attached) Zones in the new Zoning Ordinance and includes the largely single-family, early-twentieth-century neighborhoods surrounding the LMUTC (Legacy Mixed-Use Town Center) Zone.
The new Zoning Ordinance, including the Mount Rainier Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone, took effect April 1, 2022.
- 2020 Mount Rainier Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Zone. Paper copies are available at the Mount Rainier City Hall.
- 2018 Mount Rainier, Maryland Pattern Book
The Mount Rainer NCOZ Standards can be found in the New Zoning Ordinance, Section 27-4403(a)(5)(B).