Transit-Oriented Development

Prince George’s County Planning has developed a dynamic website that allows you to learn about the county’s transit-oriented development (TOD). The TOD is a user-friendly tool that provides information and access to the county’s TOD efforts. There you will find useful links, plans, and Metro station area facts for the 15 Prince George’s County stations. We encourage you to explore and ask questions! 

Prince George’s County is uniquely situated in the Washington region to take advantage of the regional interest in Transit-Oriented Development. Expedited TOD Plans


Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) has been identified as a principal means of implementing the Prince George’s County General Plan. The plan provides a framework for TOD at a variety of scales. On a countywide level, growth is to be managed in each of three growth policy areas referred to as Tiers. Largely within the Developed Tier, growth is recommended to occur within 24 designated growth policy centers. The General Plan recommends that all 15 Metrorail stations, as well as 2 MARC commuter rail stations, in the county are designated growth policy centers.

General Plan Principles


The vision for the Centers and Corridors is mixed residential and nonresidential uses at moderate to high densities and intensities, with a strong emphasis on transit-oriented development.


The goals of the Centers and Corridors are to: Capitalize on public investment in existing transportation system; Promote compact, mixed-use development at moderate to high densities; Ensure transit-supportive and transit-serviceable development; Require pedestrian-oriented (POD) and transit-oriented design (TOD); Ensure compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods.


Concepts that focus on appropriate development at these locations, such as transit-oriented development (TOD), are strongly advocated by this General Plan. TOD seeks to increase transit use and reduce automobile dependency by:

  • Locating homes, jobs and shopping closer to transit services
  • Locating the mix of critical land uses (live/work/shop) in closer proximity to one another
  • Establishing land use/transit linkages that make it easier to use transit (rail and bus)


Many of the characteristics and goals of TOD overlap with pedestrian-oriented design (POD) and new urbanist or traditional neighborhood development principles that focus on reducing automobile dependency by increasing the potential for bicyclists and pedestrians. Three key elements of each of these development concepts are density, diversity, and design.

Maps & Station Area Plans

Prince George’s County Metror rail stations offer a unique opportunity in the National Capital Region. Within one-half mile of the County’s 15 Metrorail stations, you will find over 2,500 acres of undeveloped land providing many opportunities for innovative, mixed-use development with a strong emphasis on transit-oriented design. Use the Metrorail station area development profiles to better understand the opportunities that abound at each station.

Metro Stations

Metrorail, operated by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority currently serves 86 stations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area along 106 miles of track, much of it underground. The system consists of five color-coded lines; blue, green, orange, red, and yellow. The lines intersect at various points, making it possible for passengers to change trains and travel anywhere on the system. There are 15 Metrorail stations in Prince George’s County.

MARC Stations

The MARC (Maryland Area Regional Commuter) Train Service is a commuter rail system whose service areas include Harford County, Maryland; Baltimore City; Washington, D.C.; Brunswick, Maryland; Frederick, Maryland and Martinsburg, West Virginia.

Proposed Purple Line Station

Purple Line Transit-Oriented Development Study

The Purple Line is a proposed 16-mile light-rail line extending from Bethesda in Montgomery County to New Carrollton in Prince George’s County. It would provide a direct connection to the Metrorail Red, Green, and Orange Lines at Bethesda, Silver Spring, College Park, and New Carrollton.
Link to Story Map


The primary goal of the Purple Line TOD Study is to prepare development strategy plans to maximize the transit-oriented development (TOD) potential at 5 Purple Line stations.

  • College Park-UMD
  • M Square (River Road)
  • Riverdale Road (Beacon Heights)
  • Riverdale Park
  • West Campus (University Hills)


The objectives of the Purple Line TOD Study are to:

  • Assist in defining light rail station locations, designs, and access improvements
  • Generate development concepts that promote lively, walkable, and attractive transit-oriented communities around the five station sites
  • Prepare transit-oriented community plans for each of the five selected station areas
  • Work closely with community residents and businesses
  • Inform and support the MTA as it begins the PE/FEIS phase of the Purple Line project

To capitalize on the Purple Line’s potential to connect communities in Pricne George’s County, the study will emphasize TOD-based, equitable economic development; enhanced pedestrian/bicycle access and safety; and revitalized neighborhoods.

Learn More

To learn more about the MTA Purple Line Projectby visiting the Purple Line Maryland site.


The study consists of four phases. The purpose of the first two phases is to prepare for and solicit community feedback on the opportunities and challenges of promoting transit-oriented development and neighborhood revitalization around each of the 5 stations. The 3rd phase will focus on envisioning what the stations could look and be like in 15-20 years. The final phase will refine the visions for each station and recommend implementation strategies.