Prince George’s County Planning Department Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.

Southern Ave Metro Pedestrian Accessibility Study


Pedestrian Accessibility Study

Thank you for attending the Southern Avenue Metro Station Area Pedestrian Accessibility Study Community Meeting #2. If you could not attend, please watch the meeting recording video below, and be sure to leave your feedback on our proposals for new and improved routes and connections between Southern Avenue and Naylor Road Metro Stations.

Thank you to all those who completed our survey. The survey is now closed.

Southern Avenue Metro Station Area Pedestrian Accessibility Study: Insert video here –

Be sure to view the presentation here: The visual material presented at the meeting.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021, Community Meeting

  • Event Video: Just in case you missed it or would like to review it. 
  • Presentation (PowerPoint Slides): The visual material that was presented at the meeting.

Stay tuned for more ways to be engaged in the project!

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As recommended in the Greater Washington Partnership’s 2020 Building the Transit-Oriented Region Report for Prince George’s County this study will evaluate pedestrian safety and access to the Southern Avenue and Naylor Road Metro Stations via the Oxon Run Park Trail in Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. The Greater Washington Partnership study identifies four metro stations as potential locations for future transit-oriented development (TOD). The stations: New Carrollton, Greenbelt, Morgan Boulevard, and Southern Avenue are all designated areas of interest in Plan 2035, Prince George’s County’s approved general plan. The Morgan Boulevard and Southern Avenue Stations are designated as local centers. Plan 2035 defines the local centers as focal points for development and civic activity based on their access to transit or major highways. The Greenbelt and New Carrollton Metro stations are designated as Regional Transit Districts. The Regional Transit Districts are defined as medium- to high- density mixed-use areas with extensive transit and transportation infrastructure.

The Greater Washington Partnership defined several recommendations to drive TOD near the station. The recommendation to maximize Oxon Run Park’s ability to serve the greater community can be easily achieved in the near term. The recommendation states:

Though already an established community asset, building on the existing amenities at and improving access to Oxon Run Park could increase residential demand and promote health equity. A joint initiative between Prince George’s County, District of Columbia and the National Park Service to connect the western open space section of the park through the wooded section and to the station, key development sites and the northeast section of Oxon Run Park could better attract residents and stimulate growth. This process could entail creating a trail with an extended network of interwoven amenities (e.g., kiosks from local small businesses, pavilions, public art) and clearing space for a new station-adjacent park. Implementing leading practices for park design and better connecting this trail to the greater Capital Trails Network could also amplify the realized benefits along the WMATA’s southern Green Line stations.  (pg. 6)

This recommendation is consistent with recommendations in the 2014 Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Southern Green Line Station Area to extend the planned Oxon Run Trail to the Southern Avenue Station and improve bicycle & pedestrian infrastructure along the sector plan area.

Relevant documents for this project area include, but are not limited to:


The 2014 Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Southern Green Line Station Area identifies several areas where further analysis and recommendations are needed, including, but not limited to:

  1. Metro Access road from Oxon Drive near garage
  2. Access to Oxon Run Park and Naylor Road Metro Station
  3. Oxon Run Dr. & 23rd Parkway
  4. Oxon Run Trail & off-street connections
  5. Increased lighting, surveillance, and wayfinding
  6. Improved bicycle and pedestrian connections and infrastructure
  7. Key safety issues include interface between pedestrians and motor vehicles, visibility, wayfinding, and other Crime Prevention through Environmental Design elements.

Download proposed route maps: Route 1 | Route 2 |  Route 3 |  Route 4 |  Route 5 |

<strong>Possible Trail Connections</strong>

Southern Avenue Proposed Trail Connections (click each map for a high resolution experience)

Kickoff Meeting: July 8, 2021
Community Meeting #1: October 19, 2021
Community Meeting #2: March 8, 2022
Project Completion: July 2022

Contact Us

Adam Dodgshon

Supervisor, Placemaking