Prince George’s County Planning Department Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.

Tax Credits

County’s Historic Property Tax Credit Program

As of December 21, 2017, the amortization period for the County’s historic property tax credit program has been extended from five to ten years. CB-48-2017, proposed by Council member Deni Taveras and introduced by the whole Council, was adopted by the Prince George’s County Council on October 24, 2017, and signed into law by County Executive Rushern L. Baker, III on November 3, 2017. This new provision allows owners of historic resources who participate in the County’s program more time to realize the property tax-based refunds available for rehabilitation or restoration expenses approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. 

County Council Bill CB-046-2013, enacted on July 24, 2013, and signed by the County Executive on August 6, 2013, increased the county’s Historic Preservation Tax Credit from 10% to 25%. The credit for new construction is 10%.

Tax Credit Application & Information