Historic Preservation

Ridgley Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery

Historic Preservation Commission Meeting

The Historic Preservation Commission’s monthly meeting will be held virtually via Teams.

Next meeting: 6:30 p.m. | March 18, 2025 | Agenda

Join: https://teams.microsoft.com/meet/269202122858?p=kQEO809QnWFbZf5WLi 
Meeting ID: 269 202 122 858
Passcode: HK36JX9R

Dial in by phone
+1 443-961-1463,,348787885# United States, Baltimore
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 348 787 885#

If you wish to present information, speak on an agenda item, or be a person of record, please fill out this Sign-Up Form.

External participants must complete a CAPTCHA to join the Microsoft Teams meeting. Bots from external vendors or organizations will be blocked.

NOTICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW: EAGLE HARBOR HISTORIC DISTRICT NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION As part of its March 18, 2025, meeting agenda, the Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Commission will consider the Eagle Harbor Historic District (PG: 87B-38) for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. View the official National Register notice here.


The Historic Preservation Section works with the Prince George’s County Planning Board and the Historic Preservation Commission. Staff maintain a collection of historical resources; identify, designate, and regulate historic sites; and provide expert guidance to encourage preservation awareness.

Non-Capital Grant Program

The Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Commission’s Non-Capital Grant Program (Grant Program) provides grants to support projects that identify, preserve, promote, and protect the historical, cultural, and archeological resources of Prince George’s County for the benefit of the public and to encourage the revitalization of communities. These grants are intended to help produce and disseminate information, stimulate public discussion about preservation, make technical expertise accessible, and encourage community partnerships. The Grant Program can be used to pay for professional services such as preservation and planning consultants, planning studies, design work, and education.

Contact Us

Historic Preservation

Katina Shoulars

Division Chief, Countywide Planning Division

Thomas Gross

Planning Supervisor, Historic Preservation Section

Historic Preservation Staff