Prince George’s County Planning Department Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.

Largo Wayfinding, Branding, and Placemaking

Below is an interactive, digital copy of the Downtown Largo Placemaking Branding and Wayfinding Strategy. You can also download a hard copy here.

For any project questions, email the project team at: 

The Largo Town Center area is already a hub for Prince George’s County. People come to Largo from across the County to access government and medical services. Visitors from around the County, the region, and across the nation pass through Largo en route to FedExField and Six Flags America. Prince George’s Community College educates students from across the County. In short, Largo Town Center has some of the best of what Prince George’s County can offer.

This status is why Largo Town Center is one of the three Downtowns prioritized by the County. The Section aims to improve Largo Town Center by working with our partners to:

New Development

New development embraces the vision of Largo Town Center as a walkable, diverse place. These projects include:

These developments will bring more people to Largo Town Center. Furthermore, they build on the pull of FedEx Field, Six Flags America, and Prince George’s Community College. The Placemaking Section is building connections and programs to better serve Largo Town Center.

Prior Work

Our work builds on the 2013 Largo Approved Sector Plan and Plan 2035 visions. Our work also refers to the 2015 Urban Land Institute Study on Largo Town Center. You can read any of these plans or studies by clicking the links below. 

Contact Us

Adam Dodgshon

Planning Supervisor, Placemaking Section