Bladensburg Market Feasibility and Economic Analysis
Bladensburg Market Feasibility and Economic Analysis
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The subject of this analysis (the “study area”) comprises 17.36 acres of approximately 67.5 acres in the Town of Bladensburg in Prince George’s County, Maryland, that was identified in the 2009 Approved Port Towns Sector Plan as the Town Center Character Area. This market feasibility and economic analysis explores if there is a market for mixed-use development in the study area, then tests if redevelopment is financially feasible from a private investor’s perspective. Feasibility is then tested under the County’s prior Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance that went into effect April 1, 2022. The analysis has 10 sections. The executive summary summarizes the findings and makes recommendations for next steps. The initial sections describe existing conditions and trends, regional dynamics impacting market potential, and Bladensburg’s strengths and weaknesses. The market analyses follow these sections. Development scenarios are tested for financial feasibility in the final section.
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Aquasco-Woodville Cultural Resources Inventory Technical Report
Aquasco-Woodville Cultural Resources Inventory Technical Report
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
Aquasco-Woodville, a rural village in the principally agricultural southeast part of Prince George’s County, Maryland, retains numerous late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century buildings, cemeteries and sites that are clustered along both sides of MD 381 (Aquasco Road). This report examines seven previously undocumented properties, six of which were found to be associated with the African American middle class that emerged in the area after the Civil War: the Cemetery for Enslaved African Americans at Eastview, the Whitehall Tenant House, and the Delilah Waters House.
Related Documents:
Antebellum Plantations in Prince George's County, Maryland
Antebellum Plantations in Prince George's County, Maryland
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This document is intended as a tool for cultural resource managers, county planners, and other researchers studying antebellum Prince George’s County. The document begins with a brief introduction, explaining its various components. Next, a research design chapter is provided that details the methods and approaches utilized in preparation of the document. A review of the literature consulted during research follows. It should prove useful to researchers in Prince George’s County by providing an understanding of the available primary and secondary literature.
Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Wayfinding and Signage Study
Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Wayfinding and Signage Study
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The subject of this study is a roughly 21-square mile portion of the Anacostia Trails Heritage Area in its southwest quadrant. The project included identification of existing wayfinding signage, potential new signage types, and concept-level sign designs for 12 key recreational and cultural interest wayfinding destinations. The study focuses on guiding vehicular traffic only. The study was funded by the Prince George’s County Planning Department’s Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) Program.
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Airport Land Use Compatibility and Air Safety Study
Airport Land Use Compatibility and Air Safety Study
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The Prince George’s County Planning Department has been engaged in a work program effort to examine risk and land use compatibility issues around the county’s four general aviation airports: Potomac Airfield in Friendly, Washington Executive Airpark in Clinton, Freeway Airport in Mitchellville, and College Park Airport in College Park. The project is an outgrowth of several aircraft accidents in the neighborhoods close to Potomac Airfield during the mid-1990s and resulting residents’ concerns. To help the staff further understand the issues and risks involved at Potomac Airfield and the other airports in the county, the Planning Department hired a team of aviation consultants to examine safety and land use compatibility issues around each airport, to research what is being done in other jurisdictions, and to recommend state-of-the-art approaches to address issues in Prince George’s County.
Related Documents:
2012 African-American Historic and Cultural Resources in Prince Georges County, Maryland
2012 African-American Historic and Cultural Resources in Prince Georges County, Maryland
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This book presents individual properties and communities that are significant to the African-American history of Prince George’s Count. The 181 properties include residences, churches and cemeteries, schools, fraternal lodges, a monument, an airfield, an amusement park, archeological sites, and commercial establishments; the 19 historic communities include both urban subdivisions and rural villages, as well as early towns and retreat communities. For most individual properties there is at least one illustration or photograph, an architectural description, and a summary of the resource’s historic signifi cance. For each community, there is a map, graphic illustrations, and a history of the community’s development and signifi cance. The book is divided into three major sections: Introduction and Essays which provides background and context for the resources and includes essays on Black History, Significance, Education, Suburban Settlement, and Archeology; Historic Communities, which presents the 19 communities and the 119 properties within them; and Schools, Churches and Cemeteries, Dwellings, and Other Resources located Outside Historic Communities, that presents the remainder of the resources. Following the three major sections are four appendices which enumerate the resources and organize them by type, community, and designation. The appendices are followed by a countywide map of many of the resources with color photographs of selected historic properties on the reverse.
2021 Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan - Market Study Report
2021 Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan - Market Study Report
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
To support the new Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) hired a consultant team to prepare a market analysis of the Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan. The Sector Plan will implement the recommendations of Plan 2035 for the UMD West Campus Center by documenting and analyzing existing conditions in the plan area; leading an inclusive community engagement and visioning process; identifying the market potential of the plan area; identifying opportunities to increase and improve access to the nearby transit stations; evaluating stormwater management strategies; and supporting walkable, transit-oriented and transit-supportive development consistent with Plan 2035s recommendations for Campus Centers around the Adelphi Road Purple Line station. Deliverables will assist Prince Georges County Planning Department staff to better align planning with market realities and dynamics and optimize future development opportunities around existing transit stations while creating sustainable, vibrant urban places. The plan will be instrumental in the Countys future land use decisions aimed at positioning the County to attract investments, build its commercial tax base, fund critical services, grow its high-quality job base, and improve the quality of life of existing and future residents.
Related Documents:
Accokeek Heritage Tourism Study
Accokeek Heritage Tourism Study
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This study identifies and analyzes heritage tourism resources in Accokeek, Prince George’s County, Maryland, the challenges they face, and provides recommendations to make them known or better known using best practices. The study identifies common heritage themes and 34 action steps to enhance connectivity and accessibility, without threatening the resources themselves or the community’s quality of life.
Related Documents:
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report, Guidance for the Development of Largo Town Center
A ULI Advisory Services Panel Report, Guidance for the Development of Largo Town Center
Urban Land Institute
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
Prince George’s County leaders have shown an interest in the expedited development of Largo Town Center. The area is experiencing momentum as an employment center with the county’s purchase of property and the approval by the Planning Board of the detailed site plan (DSP-14028) for the Prince George’s County Regional Hospital on June 23, 2015. The county is interested in taking advantage of the recent activities by continuing this momentum for the expedited development of the center. The panel was asked to provide unbiased input and offer recommendations to help Prince George’s County stimulate private sector investments at Largo Town Center.
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30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT): Phase I-Addison Road segment
30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT): Phase I-Addison Road segment
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Prince George’s County Planning Department has initiated the 30% Design of the Central Avenue Connector Trail (CACT): Phase I:Addison Road segment. This design report presents a summary of the trail design, stakeholder and community engagement tasks undertaken, and an implementation plan with the goal of advancing the project toward construction. Phase 1 (Implementation) consists of a one-mile segment of roadside trail along MD 214 (Central Avenue) in the Seat Pleasant area of Prince George’s County, Maryland. Central Avenue, a six-lane divided urban arterial with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour, provides regional transportation access between downtown Washington, D.C. and the eastern suburbs in Prince George’s County. Conditions for pedestrians along the road are currently stressful with high volumes of local and commuter traffic and high average vehicle travel speeds along Central Avenue.