Detailed Site Plan (DET)

Detailed Site Plans (now DETs) show the exact location and design of all buildings and structures, streets, parking lots, open spaces, landscaping, grading, and other on-site physical features. DETs contain the same level of site information that is necessary to obtain a permit and are required by either the zone, proposed use, or a condition of a previous approval for the property. They must conform to the design and approval conditions of any preceding Preliminary Plan of Subdivision.


Application Conference: Required under the new Ordinance.

Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting: Required under the new Ordinance.

Subdivision and Development Review Committee (SDRC): When reviewed by the Planning Board, Detailed Site Plans are required to be reviewed by SDRC.

When reviewed by the Planning Director, Detailed Site Plans may be referred to the SDRC, at the discretion of the section Supervisor or at the request of the applicant.

Decision-Making Body: Detailed Site Plans are generally ruled upon by the Planning Board, however, limited minor amendments may be ruled upon by the Planning Director. 



1–9 lots or Dwelling Units (DUs): $1,000
10 or more lots or DUs: $2,000 plus $10 per lot or DU
Nonresidential: $2,000 plus $30 per acre
Day Care Center: $100


1–9 lots or DUs: $500
Day Care Center: $100
All Others: $2,000
Public Notice Requirement:

A Detailed Site Plan reviewed by Planning Board requires signposting at the subject site 30 days prior to the hearing and mailings 30 days prior to the hearing, to:

  • Parties of record
  • Registered civic associations
  • Owner of land adjoining across the street from, on the same block as, or within 500 feet of the land subject to the application
  • Every municipality located within one mile of the land subject to the application

A Minor Amendment to an approved Detailed Site Plan requires signposting at the subject site 15 days prior to the date of the Planning Director’s decision.

3-4 months

Application Instructions

The new Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations go into effect on April 1, 2022. For a period of four years (until March 31, 2026), Applicants have the option to submit under the requirements of either the new or old Ordinance. [Note: Review under the old Ordinance requires a Pre-Application Conference and Statement of Justification to explain why the applicant has not chosen to develop under the provisions of the new Ordinance.

Any application accepted prior to the effective date of the new Ordinance will be reviewed and decided in accordance with the provisions of the previous Ordinance. See the Transitional Provisions Quick Reference for more information. 

Find application materials in tabs above separated per the applicable Ordinance.

After April 1, 2022

Current Ordinance Materials

Obtain an application number using the online pre-application form, fill out this application form, and email the PDF along with the required submission materials to

Prior to April 1, 2022

Prior Ordinance Materials

Obtain an application number using the online pre-application form, fill out this application form and email the PDF along with required submission materials to

Contact Us

Development Review Division

PRIMARY PHONE: (301) 952-3530

SECONDARY PHONE: (301) 952-4366

FAX: (301) 952-3749