Northern Gateway SPACEs PAMC Project 30% Design and Engineering Report

Northern Gateway SPACEs PAMC Project 30% Design and Engineering Report
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
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The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The Northern Gateway Community Development Corporation (NGCDC) seeks to balance the needs of diverse userspedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motoriststo shape an environment that ensures access, safety, and enjoyment of an approximately two-mile section of MD 193 (University Boulevard), now a busy, automobile-oriented environment in Langley Park. This project seeks to improve biking and pedestrian safety, better connect neighborhoods to the corridor and enhance the public realm. Significant investment in a new transit line, the Purple Line, has begun and the alignment for the portion that will serve the Northern Gateway area will run along University Boulevard, also known as the International Corridor. The International Corridor is a vibrant, diverse retail strip of African-American, South and Central American, Asian, and African businesses that provide essential goods and services to area residents. Along with new investment in transit, the new alignment provides the opportunity to link the corridor to a greater network of improved access and circulation and to integrate streetscape enhancements to a public realm that promotes a multi-modal environment and enhances a unique cultural and neighborhood identity. This report describes the goals, history, and recommendations for the Northern Gateway Strategies for Public-Space and Commercial-Corridor Enhancements (SPACEs) Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) project. This project was funded PAMC program administered by the Prince George’s County Planning Department.