Planned Development
Planned Developments are project-specific zone regulations that encourage innovative land planning and site design concepts that support a high quality of life and achieve a high quality of development, environmental sensitivity, energy efficiency, and other County goals and objectives. PDs provide flexibility of zone standards that sometimes result from the strict application of the zone development, form, and design standards established in the Ordinance.

Pre-Application Conference: Required
Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting: Required
Subdivision and Development Review Committee (SDRC): Planned Development applications may be referred to the SDRC, at the discretion of the section Supervisor or at the request of the applicant.
Decision-Making Body: District Council makes decision with recommendations from Planning Board and Zoning Hearing Examiner.
Fees: $5,000 plus $200 per acre up to and including 50 acres, plus $100 for each additional acre
Public Notice Requirement
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30 days prior to the District Council, Planning Board, and Zoning Hearing Examiner hearings.
Sign Posting
30 days prior to the District Council, Planning Board, and Zoning Hearing Examiner hearings on the subject site.
For District Council Review
30 days prior to the District Council hearings to:
- The applicant(s)
- All persons of record
60 days prior to District Council hearings to:
- Any municipality lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application
- Any governed special taxing districts lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application.
For Planning Board Review
30 days prior to the District Council hearings to:
- The Applicant(s)
- All owners of land abutting the land subject to the application
- All persons of record, and all other persons who requested (in writing) a copy of the Technical Staff Report
- Registered civic associations that identified the geographical area in which the site is located as part of their represented areas
- Any municipality lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application
- Any governed special taxing districts lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application
For Zoning Hearing Examiner Review
30 days prior to the District Council hearings to:
- The Applicant(s)
- All persons of record
- Any municipality lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application
- Any governed special taxing districts lying, wholly or in part, within, or within 1 mile of, the boundaries of the land subject to the application
Estimated Review Time: 8-10 months
Application Instructions
Fill out the application form under the Documents tab above and email the PDF along with the required submission materials to