
Master, Sector & Transit District Development Plan

2009 Approved Marlboro Pike Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


2009 Approved Marlboro Pike Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

The Approved Marlboro Pike Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) comprises text, maps,illustrations, and pictures. The plan will amend portions of the Approved Master Plan and Adopted Sectional Map Amendment for Suitland-District Heights and Vicinity, Planning Areas 75A and 75B (1985-master plan; 1986-sectional map amendment). The plan will also implement the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan. Developed with broad public participation, this document presents background information, the vision for the area, and a discussion of the seven elements that frame the vision-Community Development and Land Use, Transportation, Natural Environment, Public Facilities, Economic Development, Implementation and Design Guidelines. The plan recommends the designation of seven priority land development areas to encourage the revitalization and enhancement of the existing major commercial nodes along the corridor. The plan contains policies and strategies for land use, economic development, urban design, transportation systems (including roadways, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and trail facilities), public facilities, and revitalization. The overall objective of these policies and strategies is to create a livable, pedestrian friendly and vibrant community for residents in the sector plan area by creating mixed-use development and commercial centers with a positive sense of place that will attract new residents, quality retail, and jobs-while preserving and strengthening the existing residential neighborhoods. The SMA recommends zoning changes to allow implementation of the plan vision and the land use concepts in the sector plan.

Master, Sector & Transit District Development Plan

Approved Largo Town Center Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


Approved Largo Town Center Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

This sector plan amends portions of the 2004 Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for the Morgan Boulevard and Largo Town Center Metro Areas and the1990 Largo-Lottsford Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Planning Areas 73. Developed with the active participation of the community, property owners, developers, residents, and elected officials, this document recommends goals, policies, strategies, and actions designed to implement transit-oriented development (TOD) at the Largo Town Center Metro Station. The plan recommends placing the Largo Town Center sector plan area in the Developed Tier to incentivize TOD at the Metro station. The plan also builds upon the recommendations of the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan for for centers and corridors in the Developed Tier, addresses sustainable development tied to existing and proposed mass transit options, and incorporates recommendations from functional area master plans such as the 2005 Approved Countywide Green Infrastructure Plan and the 2009 Approved Countywide Master Plan of Transportation. The sectional map amendment proposes zoning changes to implement the land use recommendations of the sector plan.

Master, Sector & Transit District Development Plan

2009 Approved Landover Gateway Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment


2009 Approved Landover Gateway Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

This document is the Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) for the Landover Gateway area. The sector plan and SMA amend portions of the 1993 Approved Landover and Vicinity Master Plan (Planning Area 72) and the 1993 Approved Largo-Lottsford Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment (Planning Area 73). Developed with the assistance of the community, property owners, residents and elected officials, this document recommends goals, policies, strategies, and actions pertaining to development patterns, zoning, environmental infrastructure, transportation systems, public facilities, parks and recreation, economic development and urban design. The SMA proposes zoning changes to implement the recommendations of the sector plan.

Master, Sector & Transit District Development Plan

Approved Historic Sites and Districts Plan


Approved Historic Sites and Districts Plan


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

This document is the Approved Historic Sites and Districts Plan for Prince George’s County. Policy guidance for this plan came from the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan. The approved plan updates the 1992 Historic Sites and Districts Plan by including additions to historic sites and resources and a set of goals, policies, and strategies to guide future preservation planning efforts. The plan also contains an initial set of implementation priorities and a proposal for a strategic plan of implementation. Appendices provide updated county and community histories; a summary of historic themes; and lists of cemeteries, organizations, and sources of additional information.

Master, Sector & Transit District Development Plan

2006 Approved Henson Creek-South Potomac Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


2006 Approved Henson Creek-South Potomac Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

This document contains text and maps of the approved master plan and sectional map amendment for the Henson Creek-South Potomac Planning Areas 76B and 80. This plan supercedes the 1981 Master Plan for Subregion VII and updates the 1984 Approved Subregion VII Sectional Map Amendment. It also amends the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan and other functional master plans. This plan was developed primarily during a communitywide, seven-day planning charrette. This document provides visions, goals, background, policies and strategies for numerous planning elements. The Development Pattern element generally reinforces the lowdensity character of the planning areas. High-intensity development is encouraged at the National Harbor Metropolitan Center and medium- to high-intensity redevelopment is encouraged at the Oxon Hill Regional Center. There is a strong emphasis on mixed-use, transit- and pedestrian-oriented development patterns in these areas. It also encourages low- to moderate-intensity mixed-use development at designated corridor nodes, activity centers, and other mixed-use areas. The plan recommends enacting conservation subdivision regulations and other flexible standards that place a premium on conserving open areas and protecting environmental features. Land use and urban design concepts and illustrations are included that encourage mixed-use, compact and pedestrian-friendly development. The Areawide Infrastructure element addresses environment, transportation, schools, fire, police, library, parks and trails. The Community Character element addresses economic development, historic preservation, urban design, and revitalization issues. The Implementation section provides short- and long-term implementation strategies and recommends specific properties and areas for future rezoning to achieve the visions and goals for those areas. The General Plan Rural and Developing Tier boundaries are redefined, the corridor along MD 210 is removed, and a new transit corridor along Oxon Hill Road is recommended.

Brochures, Reports, and Special Studies

Purple Line TOD Study, Parts 1-4


Purple Line TOD Study, Parts 1-4


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

Final draft of Transit-Oriented Development Planning Study for Five Purple Line Stations
This document contains text, maps, and illustrations that together present general recommendations for future transit-oriented development and pedestrian/bicycle improvements for five Purple Line stations to be located at sites outside of areas covered by recently approved sector and transit district plans. The five stations are Riverdale Road (Beacon Heights), Riverdale Park, M Square (River Road), College Park-University of Maryland, and West Campus (University Hills).

Public Land and Facilities Report


Public Land and Facilities Report


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

This report is printed by special request. Price will vary based on original report and additional pages. Cover page images and report description are not available at this time. Publications are available for purchase at the M-NCPPC Planning Information Services, located on the Lower Level Floor (L) of the County Administration Building, Upper Marlboro, MD (now accepting payment Mastercard and Visa credit cards). If you have any question, please feel free to contact the Planning Information Counter at (301) 952-3195.

Document not available for download.
Brochures, Reports, and Special Studies

Priority Preservation Area Functional Master Plan


Priority Preservation Area Functional Master Plan


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

The Adopted and Approved Priority Preservation Area Functional Master Plan comprises text, maps, illustrations, and pictures. The plan amends portions of the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan, as amended, the 2009 Approved Subregion 5 Master Plan; the 2009 Approved Subregion 6 Master Plan, 2010 Approved Subregion 1 Master Plan; 2006 Approved Master Plan for Bowie and Vicinity, and the 1989 Approved Langley Park-College Park-Greenbelt and Vicinity Master Plan. Developed with broad public participation, this document presents background information, and outlines goals, strategies, and action pertaining to the priority preservation area.

Brochures, Reports, and Special Studies

Prince George's Plaza Metro Station Area Pedestrian Safety and Access Study


Prince George's Plaza Metro Station Area Pedestrian Safety and Access Study


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department

Publication Date:
Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

The Prince George’s Plaza Metro Station Area Pedestrian Safety and Access Study report expands on the recommendations from the 2016 Approved Prince George’s Plaza Transit District Development Plan. This report specifies improved connectivity between destinations within the Transit District, improved lighting, surveillance, and wayfinding, and improved walking infrastructure at locations surrounding the Prince George’s Plaza Metro Station. Developed with stakeholder input, including a workshop, this report helps prioritize investments toward a compact, walkable, transit-oriented community around the Metro station.

Related Documents:
Brochures, Reports, and Special Studies

Prince George's County, Primary Healthcare Strategic Plan


Prince George's County, Primary Healthcare Strategic Plan


The Prince George's County Government, with support from M-NCPPC

Source of Copies:

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Number of Pages:

Since taking office, County Executive Baker has committed the County to addressing healthcare disparities and improving the healthcare delivery system and services for County residents. The Primary Healthcare Strategic Plan reflects the ongoing commitment of Prince George’s County to improving the healthcare system and the health of its residents. The plan focuses both on expanding access to patient-centered primary care that is part of an integrated care system and on building a culture of health within the County that will achieve the “triple aim”—improving health outcomes, reducing per capita costs, and improving patient experiences. The Primary Healthcare Strategic Plan fully embraces the concepts of population health and once implemented, in collaboration with all partners and stakeholders, will reach its goals of expanding access and improving resident’s health while contributing to the County’s economic development.

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