Capitol Heights Vacant Lot Strategy

Capitol Heights Vacant Lot Strategy
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission<
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
This document is a Vacant Lot Strategy for the Town of Capitol Heights, a small municipality located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, incorporated in 1910 (Planning Area 75B, Councilmanic District 7). In fall 2021, the Town applied to the Prince George’s County Planning Department’s Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) program to fund this strategy. PAMC funding was approved by the Prince George’s County Planning Board on May 26, 2022, and the project kicked off on January 13, 2023. The strategy
establishes a Vacant Lot Inventory; identifies existing regulatory, environmental, maintenance, and financial challenges; and provides goals and recommendations for maintaining, repurposing, and/or developing vacant lots. The Capitol Heights Vacant Lot Strategy aligns with
past and ongoing planning efforts by the Town, the County, and the greater Washington, DC region to support livable and transit-oriented communities.
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Pupil Yield Factors & Public School Clusters: 2024-2025 Update

Pupil Yield Factors & Public School Clusters: 2024-2025 Update
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
This Report updates the pupil yield factors that are used in the regulatory review of preliminary subdivision plans. These factors are applied to analyze a proposed development’s impact on the public school districts where it may be located.
Related Documents:
Town of Riverdale Park Community Forest Management Plan

Town of Riverdale Park Community Forest Management Plan
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This document is a Community Forest Management Plan for the Town of Riverdale Park, a municipality in Prince George’s County, Maryland, incorporated in 1920 (Planning Area 68, Councilmanic District 3). In December 2021, the Town applied to the Prince George’s County Planning Department via the Department’s Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities Program (PAMC) to fund a tree inventory and management plan. Funding for the project was approved by the Prince George’s County Planning Board on May 26, 2022. The kickoff was held in January 2023, and the project was completed in February 2025.
The purpose of the project was to assess the condition of trees in public rights-of-way within the municipal boundary and provide Town staff with the tools and data to make informed decisions about protecting, maintaining, and expanding the Town’s street tree inventory.
Tree inventory data were collected pursuant to the Maryland Roadway Tree Law by Maryland Licensed Tree Experts (LTE) or equal (International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists). Data were entered into the Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation’s (DPW&T) PlanIt Geo TreePlotter™ software to generate graphic and spatial representations of existing conditions that revealed needs and opportunities. The findings of the tree inventory and condition assessment directly informed this plan, which includes a prioritized management program for future tree care.
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Go Prince George's Preliminary Plan - February 2025

Go Prince George's Preliminary Plan - February 2025
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
Go Prince George’s is the functional master plan for transportation, mobility, and accessibility within those portions of the Maryland-Washington Regional District in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Upon approval, Go Prince George’s will supersede and replace the 2009 Countywide Master Plan of Transportation, the Transportation and Mobility Element in Plan 2035, and transportation facility recommendations in all area master plans, sector plans, transit district development plans, and functional master plans approved prior to the date of approval of this plan.
This functional master plan was formulated over a four-year period and guided by a public participation plan that included engagement with residents, property owners, business owners, public agencies, and many other stakeholders. This functional master plan contains Prince George’s County’s vision for fundamentally transforming its multimodal transportation network to implement Plan 2035 and other County plans by increasing access to opportunities and advancing economic development, housing, and environmental goals by creating a twenty-first century multimodal mobility network. The plan contains goals, policies, and strategies to implement the plan vision safely, sustainably, and equitably. Go Prince George’s also includes an implementation framework illustrating the timeline, partnerships, and action items critical to achieving the County’s vision for its future.
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Transportation Action Guide for Urban Communities: Implementation Strategies Playbook

Transportation Action Guide for Urban Communities: Implementation Strategies Playbook
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
This document details recommended strategies to improve transportation in urban communities. It is based on the findings of earlier efforts in the study, including the review and analysis of prior area planning, documented in the Planning Analysis Memorandum of April 2018.
Data Journal-Fall 2024

Data Journal-Fall 2024
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission<
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
This Fall 2024 Data Journal summarizes data on net migration in Prince George’s County. The data for 2010 and 2020 were surveyed and compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates.
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Data Journal-Winter 2025

Data Journal-Winter 2025
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This report provides information about people of Hispanic or Latino origin in Prince George’s County. The data come from the U.S. Census Bureau’s surveys, including the 2000, 2010, and 2020 Censuses, as well as the American Community Survey (ACS) estimates for 2010 and 2022.
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2015 Economic Development Toolbox

2015 Economic Development Toolbox
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission<
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
The 2015 Economic Development Toolbox updates the 2011 Toolbox. The Toolbox is a catalog of resources and information about available government and private sector opportunities for support and assistance in economic development policies, strategies and projects. It provides a practical, readily accessible guide to elected officials, county agencies, local community and economic development practitioners, community technical assistance providers, private investors and developers, non-profits, community leaders, and the general public.
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2002 College Park US 1 Corridor Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment

2002 College Park US 1 Corridor Approved Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission<
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
This sector plan amends the 1989 Approved Master Plan and the 1990 Adopted Sectional Map Amendment for Langley Park, College Park and Greenbelt (Planning Areas 65, 66 and 67) for the sector area only. The plan also amends the 1982 Master Plan of Transportation and the 1975 Countywide Trails Plan. It was developed by the commission with the assistance of the College Park US 1 Corridor Advisory Planning Group. This document describes existing plans and policies, and analyzes land use, environment, zoning, population, housing, economic conditions, and impacts on public facilities. The plan incorporates Smart Growth planning principles and is in harmony with the concepts put forth in the Commission 2000 Biennial Growth Policy Plan report (July 2000) and the Biennial Growth Policy Plan adopted by the County Council in November 2000. It also implements concepts and recommendations contained within the City of College Park’s 1995 Comprehensive Plan, which ended a three-year planning process to determine the city’s future and desired development character for the US 1 corridor and town center. The document establishes a flexible land use and zoning concept that can respond to changing real estate market conditions. A Development District Overlay Zone (DDOZ) containing design standards and a table of permitted and prohibited uses are incorporated as part of the sectional map amendment (SMA). Together the DDOZ and SMA implement the sector plan’s land use and development character recommendations.An economic development strategy offers guidance in implementation of the desired land use and development character recommendations.
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2024 Carole Highlands Safe Mobility Study

2024 Carole Highlands Safe Mobility Study
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission<
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774
Number of Pages:
The goal of the Carole Highlands Safe Mobility Study is to work in close partnership with local community and partner agencies—such as the Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T)—to develop design options that maximize safe mobility, support the Prince George’s County Vision Zero program and goals, and enhance access and connectivity to the Purple Line, University Boulevard, and other important community-identified destinations. This report describes existing conditions for mobility and access in Carole Highlands and provides recommendations for improving conditions.