Piscataway Village Community Vision Process

Piscataway Village Community Vision Process
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
This document is the third party of a multiyear study of the rural village of Piscataway, located in south Prince George’s County on Floral Park Road between Livingston Road and Piscataway Road. T1 report, published in July 1991, documented the history of the village, defined its unique character proposed design concepts and methods to protect its rural and historic qualities. The second report, put in February 1995, provided detailed architectural design guidelines to assist the residents of the com in protecting the character of the village. The third part of the study continued the previous efforts in : of community visioning workshops with local residents. Through a collaborative approach with parti< the workshops used drawings, photographs, images and charts to develop a consensus about the conm visual and physical qualities. This report documents the community visioning process undertake February to June 1995. This report is divided into seven sections, with each section documenting one of the community vi workshops. A process chart illustrating the chronology of the seven workshops is included in this doc The structure of the workshops was organized around the following broad categories: History and Inv Analysis, Alternatives, Implementation and Next Steps. Each section begins with the meeting minutes j workshop, followed by charts, sketches, maps and diagrams relating to the topics discussed by the we participants. Several workshops focused on identifying and analyzing the physical design features wit village. Topics included village integrity/character, infill development, open space, a "community" center, gateways, landscape setting, streetscape elements and circulation patterns. Other workshop disc concentrated on methods for protection of historic resources, implementation strategies and funding ( Products of the visioning workshops included design guidelines, landscape master plan recommendation< an implementation strategy chart. The letter requesting this work effort from the Piscataway Historic Preservation Group is included document. The project was carried out under the Planning Department's FY 1995 Community Preset and Design Workshops Work Program.