Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Bowie and Vicinity

Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Bowie and Vicinity
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Prince George's County Planning Department
Publication Date:
Source of Copies:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Number of Pages:
This document contains text and maps of the Approved Master Plan for Bowie and Vicinity and the Sectional Map Amendment for Planning Areas 71A, 71B, 74A, and 74B. This plan amends the 1991 Approved Master Plan and Adopted Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) for Bowie-Collington-Mitchellville and Vicinity, Planning Areas 71A, 71B, 74A, and 74B. It also amends the 2002 Prince George’s County Approved General Plan and other functional master plans. This plan was developed primarily during a community-wide six-day planning charrette after consultation with citizen focus groups. The document provides visions, goals, background, policies and strategies for numerous planning elements. The Development Pattern element encourages the revitalization of Old Town Bowie and redevelopment of Bowie Main Street, West Bowie Village, and Pointer Ridge. These four existing commercial areas are designated as mixed-use activity centers suitable for a wide array of public, commercial, employment, and residential land uses. The plan recommends that fl exible zoning regulations be enacted to preserve rural character and sensitive environmental features. The Area-Wide Infrastructure element addresses the environment, transportation, schools, fi re, police, library, parks, and trails. The Community Character element addresses economic development, historic preservation, and scenic roads. Rural and Developing Tier boundaries designated in the 2002 General Plan and boundaries of the Bowie Regional Center are redefi ned. Land use concepts and illustrative sketches are included that encourage development centered on a future transit hub in the Bowie Regional Center. A Development District Overlay Zone (DDOZ) containing a regulating matrix, design standards, and a table of uses are included to facilitate implementation of the plan’s land use recommendations for Old Town Bowie. The sectional map amendment implements the land use concepts in the master plan.