Residential Zones
Current Ordinance Zones
In the Zoning Ordinance effective April 1, 2022, the single-family residential zones are not changing very much apart from the zone name updates. However, the multifamily residential zones are consolidated from nine to three zones in order to eliminate redundancy. Furthermore, these multifamily zones will now allow community-serving retail and services like grocery stores to better meet residents’ needs. See descriptions and purposes of each new residential zone below and reference the Zoning Ordinance for the full details.
Residential Estate (RE) Zone
The purposes of the RE Zone are to provide for and encourage variation in the size, shape, and width of single-family detached residential subdivision lots, in order to better utilize the natural terrain; to facilitate the planning of single-family residential developments with large lots and dwellings of various sizes and styles; to encourage the preservation of trees and open spaces in order to create an estate-like atmosphere; and to prevent soil erosion and stream valley flooding.
Residential, Rural (RR) Zones
The purposes of the Residential, Rural (RR) Zone are to provide for and encourage variation in the size, shape, and width of single-family detached residential subdivision lots, in order to better utilize their natural terrain; to facilitate the planning of single-family residential developments with moderately large lots and dwellings of various sizes and styles; to encourage the preservation of trees and open spaces; and to prevent soil erosion and stream valley flooding.
Residential, Single-Family-95 (RSF-95) Zone
The purposes of the Residential, Single-Family-95 (RSF-95) Zone are to provide for and encourage variation in the size, shape, and width of single-family detached residential subdivision lots, in order to better utilize the natural terrain; to facilitate the planning of single-family residential developments with medium-sized lots and dwellings of various sizes and styles; to encourage the preservation of trees and open spaces; and to prevent soil erosion and stream valley flooding.
Residential, Single-Family-65 (RSF-65) Zone
The purposes of the Residential, Single-Family-65 (RSF-65) Zone are to provide for and encourage variation in the size, shape, and width of single-family detached residential subdivision lots, in order to better utilize the natural terrain; to facilitate the planning of higher density single-family residential developments with small lots and dwellings of various sizes and styles; to encourage the preservation of trees and open spaces; and to prevent soil erosion and stream valley flooding.
Residential, Single-Family-Attached (RSF-A) Zone
The purposes of the Residential, Single-Family-Attached (RSF-A) Zone are to provide for development in a form that supports residential living and walkability, is pedestrian oriented and is well connected to surrounding lands; to provide development that is respectful of the natural features of the land; and to provide development that is compatible with surrounding lands.
Residential, Multifamily-12 (RMF-12) Zone
The purposes of the RMF‐12 Zone are to make available low-density, multifamily developments of the “garden apartment” type which would offer many of the advantages normally associated with a single-family dwelling; to provide for this type of development at locations recommended in an Area Master Plan or Sector Plan, or at other locations which are found to be suitable by the District Council; and to provide for this type of development at locations which are adequately served by facilities such as those for circulation, sanitation, and retail sales and service.
Residential, Multifamily-20 (RMF-20) Zone
The purposes of the Residential, Multifamily-20 (RMF-20) Zone are to provide suitable sites for high-density multifamily residential development; to provide for this type of development at locations recommended by an Area Master Plan or Sector Plan, or at other locations which are found to be suitable by the District Council; to support multifamily development at sites that are proximate to centers or are at appropriate locations along commercial corridors; and to ensure compatibility with surrounding lands.
Residential, Multifamily-48 (RMF-48) Zone
The purposes of the Residential, Multifamily‐48 (RMF‐48) Zone are to provide suitable sites respectful of the natural features of the land for high-density multifamily residential development and other forms of development that support residential living and walkability; to provide for this type of development at locations recommended by an Area Master Plan or Sector Plan, proximate to centers (including transit centers) or at other locations which are found to be suitable by the District Council; and to ensure development is compatible with surrounding lands.
Minimum or Standard lot size: The current minimum net contiguous land area required for a lot.
Average dwelling units per acre: The number of dwelling units which may be built on a tract-including the typical mix of streets, public facility sites and areas within the 100-year floodplain-expressed as a per-acre average.
Maximum dwelling units per net acre: The number of dwelling units which may be built on the total tract-excluding streets and public facility sites, and generally excluding land within the 100-year floodplain-expressed as a per-acre average.
Prior Ordinance Zones
R-E: Residential-Estate
Permits large-lot estate subdivisions containing lots approximately one acre or larger.
- Standard lot size – 40,000 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 1.08
- Estimated average dwelling units per acre – 0.85
R-R: Rural Residential
Permits approximately 1 half-acre residential lots; subdivision lot sizes depend on date of recordation; allows a number of nonresidential special exception uses.
- Standard lot size – 20,000 square feet
- 15,000 square feet if recorded prior to February 1, 1970
- 10,000 square feet if recorded prior to July 1, 1967
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 2.17
- Estimated average dwelling units per acre – 1.85
R-80: 1 Family Detached Residential
Provides for variation in the size, shape, and width of subdivision lots to better utilize the natural terrain and to facilitate planning of single-family developments with lots and dwellings of various sizes and styles.
- Standard lot size – 9,500 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 4.5
- Estimated average dwelling units per acre – 3.4
R-55: 1 Family Detached Residential
Permits small-lot residential subdivisions; promotes high density, single-family detached dwellings.
- Standard lot sizes – 6,500 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 6.70
- Estimated average dwelling units per acre – 4.2
R-35: 1 Family Semidetached, & 2 Family Detached, Residential
Provides generally for single-family attached development; allows 2 family detached; Detailed Site Plan approval required for lots served by private rights-of-way.
- Standard lot sizes – 3,500 square feet for 1 family, semi-detached
- 7,000 square feet for 2 family, detached
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 12.44
- Estimated average dwelling units per acre – 8.5
R-20: 1 Family Triple-Attached Residential
Permits single-family detached, semidetached and triple-attached and townhouse development. Detailed Site Plan approval required for townhouses.
- Standard lot sizes – 3,200 square feet for end lots
- 2,000 square feet for interior townhouse lots
- Maximum triple-attached dwellings per net acre – 16.33
- Maximum townhouses per net acre – 6.0 (same as R-T)
- Estimated average triple-attached dwelling units per net acre – 11
R-T Zone: Townhouse
Permits 1 family detached and attached, 2 family, and 3 family dwellings; promotes the maximum amount of freedom in the design of attached dwellings and their grouping and layout; Detailed Site Plan approval required for attached dwellings.
- Standard lot size per attached dwelling – 1,800 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 3 family dwellings – 9
- 2 family dwellings – 8
- Other attached dwellings – 6
- Minimum area for development – 2 acres
R-30: Multifamily Low Density Residential
Provides for low density garden apartments; single-family detached; single-family attached, 2 family and 3 family dwellings in accordance with R-T Zone provisions; Detailed Site Plan approval required for multifamilly and attached dwellings.
- Standard lot size – Garden apartments – 14,000 square feet
- 2 family dwellings – 1,500 square feet
- Other attached dwellings – 1,800 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – Garden apartments – 10
- 3 family dwellings – 9
- 2 family dwellings – 8
- Other attached dwellings – 6
R-30C: Multifamily Low Density Residential-Condominium
Same as R-30 above except ownership must be condominium, or development in accordance with the R-T Zone; Detailed Site Plan approval required for multifamily and attached dwellings.
- Standard lot size – Garden apartments – 14,000 square feet
- 2 family dwellings – 1,500 square feet
- Other attached dwellings – 1,800 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – Garden apartments – 12
- 3 family dwellings – 9
- 2 family dwellings – 8
- Other attached dwellings – 6
R-18: Multifamily Medium Density Residential
Provides for multiple family (apartment) development of moderate density; single-family detached; single-family attached, 2 family and 3 family dwellings in accordance with R-T Zone provisions; Detailed Site Plan approval required for multifamily and attached dwellings.
- Standard lot size – Apartments – 16,000 square feet
- 2 family dwellings – 1,500 square feet
- Other attached dwellings – 1,800 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – Garden apartments and 3 family dwellings – 12
- Mid-rise apartments (4 or more stories with elevator) – 20
- 3 family dwellings – 9
- 2 family dwellings – 8
- Other attached dwellings – 6
R-18C: Multifamily Medium Density Residential-Condominium
Same as above except ownership must be condominium, or development in accordance with the R-T Zone; Detailed Site Plan approval required for multifamily and attached dwellings.
- Standard lot size – Apartments – 1 acre
- 2 family dwellings – 1,500 square feet
- Other attached dwellings – 1,800 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – Garden apartments – 14
- Mid rise apartments (4 or more stories with elevator) – 20
- 3 family dwellings – 9
- 2 family dwellings – 8
- Other attached dwellings – 6
R-10A: Multifamily, High Density Residential-Efficiency
Provides for a multifamily zone designed for the elderly, singles, and small family groups. Detailed Site Plan approval required for buildings 110 feet in height or less; special exception required for buildings over 110 feet in height.
- Minimum lot size – 2 acres
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 48 plus one for each 1,000 square feet of indoor common area for social, recreational, or educational purposes
R-10: Multifamily High Density Residential
Provides for suitable sites for high density residential in proximity to commercial and cultural centers; also permits single-family detached dwellings.
Detailed Site Plan approval required for buildings 110 feet in height or less; special exception required for buildings over 110 feet in height.
- Minimum lot size – 20,000 square feet
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 48
R-H: Multifamily High-Rise Residential
Provides for suitable sites for high density, vertical residential development; also permits single-family detached dwellings; Detailed Site Plan approval required for multifamily dwellings.
- Minimum lot size – 5 acres
- Maximum dwelling units per net acre – 48.4
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