The Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)
The Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)

Project Contact Information
Emily Lutz
- Community Planning Division
- Long-Range Planning
TEL: 301-952-3253
- The District Council held a work session on the Minor Plan Amendment and SMA on May 28, 2024.
- The Planning Board work session on the Minor Plan Amendment and SMA was held on April 25, 2024. Staff were directed to prepare Resolutions PCGPB No. 2024-027 (Minor Plan Amendment Adoption) and PCGPB No. 2024-028 (Sectional Map Amendment Endorsement), which were approved by the Planning Board on April 25, 2024.
- The joint public hearing to seek public comment and testimony concerning this proposed minor plan amendment and proposed concurrent sectional map amendment was held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Wayne K. Curry Administrative Building. A video of the Joint Public Hearing is available on the County Council’s website. View/download the Joint Public Hearing presentation here.
- On January 16, 2024, the District Council adopted CR-001-2024 (A resolution concerning the Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment-Minor Amendment-Approval)
- Meetings and Events
- District Council Resolution (January 16, 2024)
- Joint Public Hearing (March 19, 2024)
- Presentation to County Council and Planning Board
- Proposed Minor Plan Amendment to the 1989 Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Master Plan.
- Proposed Concurrent Sectional Map Amendment for portions of the Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Planning Area
- Rezoning Request packet and forms
- Planning Board Work Session and Action (April 25, 2024)
- District Council Work Session (May 28, 2024)
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Contact Us
Emily Lutz
Planner III, Long-Range Planning Section
PHONE: 301-952-3253
The Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) is intended to update the 1989 Approved Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity. In particular, this process will update certain development pattern recommendations for context-sensitive infill and physical development of residential neighborhoods and commercial areas.
Additionally, the concurrent SMA will rezone select properties within Planning Area 66 to be consistent with recommendations in the amended plan.
The process was initiated by the County Council of Prince George’s County, Maryland, sitting as the District Council through CR-001-2024, adopted on January 16, 2024.
The lack of development and growth that has occurred in this area since the 2008 Approved Capitol Heights Transit District Development Plan and transit district Overlay Zoning Map Amendment implies there is a critical need for updating land use and planning recommendations to incentivize and guide future development within this key area of Prince George’s County.
Date | Milestone |
January 16, 2024 | District Council Initiation |
January 16, 2024 | Release Drafts of Proposed Minor Plan Amendment and Preliminary SMA to public |
March 19, 2024 | Joint Public Hearing |
April 2024 | Planning Board Worksession and Action (estimated timeframe) |
May 2024 | District Council Work Session (estimated timeframe) |
June 2024 | District Council Action (estimated timeframe) |

What is the Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment?
- The Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) is a process to amend the approved 1989 Master Plan and Sectional Map Amendment for the Langley Park-College Park-Greenbelt-and Vicinity Area. This concurrent process is intended to remove and replace certain obsolete development pattern guidelines, policies, and strategies to reflect the County’s current development priorities and rezone certain properties within the Master Plan’s boundaries.
- These processes will not adjust land uses for or rezone every property within the project area but will only examine land uses and rezonings for specific properties identified in the plan.
What is zoning?
- Zoning, broadly speaking, determines what can and cannot be built on a property and the amount of development that can occur. For example, a property in a residential zone typically prohibits the construction of non-residential uses like restaurants and factories.
Why did I get this notification letter regarding the Langley Park, College Park, Greenbelt, and Vicinity Minor Plan Amendment and Sectional Map Amendment?
- You own a parcel or reside at a parcel identified for potential rezoning of your property. This letter is intended to inform you of the Joint Public Hearing scheduled for March 19, 2024, and your opportunity to weigh in on the process by submitting testimony through the hearing.
What is my new zone?
- The proposed SMA document that identifies the specific properties identified for potential rezoning will be released for public review on January 16, 2024, on the project webpage.
Why are you rezoning?
- The SMA is intended to enable zoning that reflects the County’s current development priorities and prohibit uses that are deemed inappropriate or obsolete. The SMA is needed to ensure consistency with and implement the recommendations of the master plan, as amended.
Will this raise my property taxes?
- In most cases, no.
Will this SMA change my school district or zip code?
No. An SMA only changes the zoning on specific properties.