New Carrollton
New Carrollton

Project Contact Information
Vanessa C. Akins
- Community Planning Division
- Special Programs
TEL: 301-952-3134
New Carrollton already has many of the ingredients for success. These include access to public transit, a large workforce, and high levels of multimodal traffic. The County wishes take advantage of these assets. Thus, it has designated New Carrollton as a Downtown. The Placemaking Section helps implement this goal.
The Section aims to improve New Carrollton by working with our partners to:
- Enable a mix of uses, encompassing residences, recreation, and professional services;
- Improve connections and pedestrian infrastructure to enable car-free access to New Carrollton;
- Augment work done to support workers already at New Carrollton;
- Enhance a sense of “place” at New Carrollton; and
- Support community efforts by area residents.
The Section aims to improve New Carrollton by working with our partners to:
- the Urban Atlantic mixed-use development;
- wetlands preservation initiatives;
- renovations to the Amtrak and Metro stations; and
- forthcoming development for the Purple Line.
Currently, this work supports other, ongoing work at New Carrollton. This includes:
View the 2010 Approved New Carrollton Transit District Development Plan and Transit District Overlay Zoning Map Amendment