Berwyn Heights Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
Berwyn Heights Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety

Project Contact Information
Connor Klein
- Community Planning Division
- Neighborhood Revitalization
TEL: 301-952-4609
In 2018, the Berwyn Heights Town Council created a Quality-of-Life Commission to address community concerns that the town’s appeal as a place to live was diminishing. The Quality-of-Life Commission made a set of recommendations, a portion of which focus on improving bicyclist and pedestrian safety. The town council then established a Walkable Bikeable Berwyn Heights Task Force to work toward ensuring safe, walkable neighborhoods. (The task force’s recommendations are found in the February 2020 report: “Walkable Bikeable Berwyn Heights.”)
Municipal staff then worked with the town’s elected officials to prioritize the recommendations. They determined that some recommendations (such as speed limit changes and new signs) were within the town’s capacity to implement, but that at least four of the recommendations require analysis by qualified transportation planners/engineers to determine whether they can or should be implemented, or if there are better solutions.
This PAMC project will analyze recommendations developed by the Walkable Bikeable Berwyn Heights Task Force and prepare an action plan to create a more safely walkable-bikeable community. The project shall comprise the following major work products:
- Evaluation of the town’s walkable/bikeable recommendations
- Identification and justification of priority improvements
- An action plan
- Cost estimates and funding sources for each action plan item
At the Berwyn Heights Town Meeting of July 17, 2023, the consultant team presented draft findings and recommendations to town staff and community members for comments and discussion. The presentation can be found under the Work Products tab.
Next steps: The consultants will incorporate the comments into the final draft, which will be presented to the community in November 2023.
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Milestone | Date |
Planning Board Approval: | May 5, 2022 |
Kickoff Meeting: | January 24, 2023 |
Study Area Walking Tour: | March 30, 2023 |
Presentation to Town Council I: | July 17, 2023 |
Presentation to Town Council II: | November 2023 |
Final Report: | February 2024 |