Prince George’s County Planning Department Offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.

Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting

The Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting is intended to inform nearby residents, municipalities, and property owners about a proposed development application and to provide the applicant an opportunity to hear comments and concerns about the development proposal to resolve conflicts and outstanding issues early in the process. Pre-Application Neighborhood Meetings are opportunities for informal communication between applicants and neighborhood residents and others affected by development proposals. Participation in a Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting is for informational purposes only. Any public participation and/or written summary of the meeting shall not be part of the official record.

Pre-Application Neighborhood Meetings are required for the following:

When is a Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting Required for Applications filed per the Prior Ordinance?

Application ScenarioRequired?
Application filed per a grandfathered CSP or CDP pursuant to the Transitional Provisions, Section 24-1703(b) or Section 27-1703(c) (continuing a project with approvals prior to April 1, 2022)Not Required
Application filed per any other grandfathered application pursuant to the Transitional Provisions, Section 24-1704 or Section 27-1704 (continuing a project with approvals prior to April 1, 2022)Not Required
Application filed for Development Pursuant to the Prior Ordinance, Section 24-1900 or Section 27-1900 (new application reviewed per prior Ordinance after April 1, 2022): Not Required
Application filed pursuant to the current Ordinance (new application reviewed per current Ordinance after April 1, 2022)Required for application listed in Section 24-3303(b) and Section 27-3402(b) (see above)

Public Notice Requirement

Informational Mailing: The applicant must mail notice of the Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting at least 30 days before the meeting to the following:

  • The Planning Director
  • All persons to whom mailed notice of a public hearing on the application is required by Section 24-3308(b) or Section 27-3407
  • Any municipality in which the land subject to the application is located, and every municipality located within one mile of the land subject to the application, and any municipal planning department
  • All civic associations registered in accordance with Section 24-3303(d) or Section 27-3402(d)
  • All adjacent landowners (including owners whose land lies directly across a street, alley, or stream from the land subject to the application being reviewed)

Sign Posting: The applicant must also post notification of the Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting on the land subject to the application at least 30 days before the meeting.