CPD Administration

The Administration of the Community Planning Division aids each of the sections by managing staff and workflow, facilitating special projects and initiatives, and ensuring timely development project review.

Project Updates

Approved Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan and Sectional Map Amendment 

On June 7, 2022, the Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the District Council, approved the 2022 Adopted Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan and Endorsed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA) with amendments. The publication of the plan and SMA is available by visiting the project webpage.   

Preliminary Adelphi Road-UMGC-UMD Purple Line Station Area Sector Plan and Proposed Sectional Map Amendment (SMA)

In-Person and Virtual Open House and Information Sessions

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Prince George’s County Cultural Arts Study

Final Draft Report Presentation

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Southern Avenue Metro Station Area Pedestrian Accessibility Study

Virtual Community Meeting

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Largo Wayfinding, Branding, and Placemaking Strategy

Virtual Community Meeting

Thursday, October 14, 2021


What is comprehensive planning?

Comprehensive planning is the process through which residents, workers, property owners, students, and other stakeholders identify their vision for the future growth, development, or preservation of their community. Prince George’s County’s comprehensive plan is Plan Prince George’s 2035 (Plan 2035).  

Plan 2035 is further refined at the local level by the County’s 38 area master, sector, and transit district development plans. You can find out more about these plans at the Long-Range Planning Section’s website.

For more information, please call 240-524-8413.

Whom can I contact regarding planning issues in my area?

A list of Community Planning Division staff and their community planning responsibilities is shown on the Community Planner Responsibility Map

Where can I access videos of recent public meetings?

Recent public meetings are made available on the Planning Department’s YouTube channel. Subscribe to the channel to stay engaged as projects develop in the County.

Can our staff provide planning / design assistance to your city, town, or community?

Yes. Staff are available to provide planning and design assistance to your city, town, and community. Our professionals possess skills in many specialized areas such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and transportation planning. The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission offers a Planning Assistance to Municipalities and Communities Program. This program is available upon written request to:

Chairman of the Prince George’s County Planning Board
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, Maryland 20774

For further details and examples of eligible projects for design assistance, please refer to the Planning Assistance for Municipalities and Communities (PAMC) website.

Planning Assistance for Your Community page.

What is the difference between a master plan and a sector plan?

Pursuant to State law, the Zoning Ordinance divides Prince George’s County into 37 Planning Areas. The Planning Department groups these Planning Areas into seven (7) Subregions. A master plan for a Subregion, a Planning Area, or more than one Planning Area is called an “Area Master Plan.”  

A master plan for portions of one or more Planning Areas is called a “Sector Plan.” A master plan created for areas designated in the pre-2018 Zoning Ordinance as Transit District Overlay Zones are called “Transit District Development Plans.” All of these (area master, sector, and transit district development plans) have the same applicability as master plans. The County currently has 38 active master plans. 

Each master plan is an amendment to the County’s General Plan.  

How are sector and master plans prepared?

The Planning Department works closely with community stakeholders to develop area master and sector plans. The process of developing a plan includes data gathering and analysis, inclusive and extensive public and stakeholder engagement, evaluating scenarios for future growth, identifying a vision for the future of an area, and articulating the necessary policies and strategies to implement that vision. Master and sector plans have a 20- to 25-year horizon. 

Once drafted, a preliminary, or staff draft, master or sector plan is released to the public for review and comment. Following a public hearing, a master or sector plan is adopted by the Prince George’s County Planning Board. The adopted plan is then presented to the Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the District Council. Once approved by the District Council, plan recommendations guide decisions concerning land use, housing and neighborhoods, the natural environment, transportation and mobility, community heritage, culture, and design, public facilities, economic prosperity, and healthy communities that affect the physical growth and development of the area so that consistent and appropriate action may be taken. Adopted and approved plans do not take the place of existing zoning, nor do plans require that rezoning requests be automatically granted or denied. They do, however, provide a basis for comprehensive rezoning consistent with the recommendations of the plan. In most instances, immediately following or concurrently with approval of a master or sector plan, the Planning Board initiates comprehensive rezoning, also called a sectional map amendment.

For more information, please call 240-524-8413.

What is the Plan Prince George’s 2035?

The Plan Prince George’s 2035 is the County’s General Plan that helps guide future growth, development, and public investments in Prince George’s County. It establishes policies and strategies to achieve the County’s long-term vision. 

The General Plan reflects the values and priorities of the County’s residents, property and business owners, community leaders, and elected officials, while also establishing broad policies on:

  • Land Use
  • Economic Prosperity
  • Transportation & Mobility (rail, road, bus, pedestrian, bicycle)
  • Natural Environment
  • Housing and Neighborhoods
  • Community Heritage, Culture, and Design
  • Healthy Communities
  • Public Facilities

For more information, please visit www.planpgc2035.com or call 240-524-8413.

What are functional plans?

Functional master plans are countywide in scope and are generally prepared at the request of the District Council. Functional plans amend the General Plan where appropriate; they have been prepared for highways, historic sites, parks and recreation, trails, schools, and public safety. Presently, the county is preparing a functional plan for transportation (Master Plan of Transportation).

For more information, please call 301-952-4225.

What is a sectional map amendment (SMA)?

A sectional map amendment (SMA) is a comprehensive rezoning amendment for properties within an entire geographic area, such as a subregion, planning area or part of a planning area. The purpose of an SMA is to revise zoning patterns to conform to recommendations of the applicable master or sector plan. SMAs are adopted for most plans with the exception of the general plan and functional master plans.

For more information, please call 240524-8413.

Contact Us

Community Planning Division

Tony Felts

Deputy Director of Administration

Sarah Benton

Planning Supervisor, Long-Range Planning Section

Kierre McCune

Planning Supervisor, Master Plans and Studies Section

Frederick Stachura

Planning Supervisor, Neighborhood Revitalization Section

Adam Dodgshon

Planning Supervisor, Placemaking Section

Vanessa C. Akins

Special Program Management Coordinator

Judith Franklin

Administrative Assistant III

Tamika Henderson

Administrative Assistant III
