Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is dedicated to providing quality services and park and recreation programs that are inclusive and accessible to all patrons. MNCPPC will comply with applicable laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, by taking all reasonable steps to remove barriers to participation in programs and services.
The Accessibility and Non-Discrimination in M-NCPPC Programs and Services Notice is to provide patrons with guidance for requesting reasonable modifications and addressing accessibility concerns for programs and services offered within the respective departments.
Accessibility and Non-Discrimination in M-NCPPC Programs and Services Notice
General questions about this notice may be directed to the Office of the Executive Director by calling 301-454-1740. Additional complaints or concerns can be made to the departments’ respective ADA Coordinators included in the notices.
If you use assistive technology (such as a Braille reader, or a screen reader) and the format of any material on this website interferes with your ability to access information, don’t hesitate to contact us. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format to receive the material, the web address of the requested material, and your contact information.
Contacts & Resources
Bi-County Operations
Montgomery Parks
Montgomery Planning
Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County
Diversity Initiatives

The Commission is located within the Washington Metropolitan Area, which is one of the most diverse areas in the United States. Every person is unique – whether it is because of culture, background, family, religious beliefs, race, education, and life experiences. This diversity adds richness to our community, as it also does for an organization.
It is the dynamic mix of personal and cultural characteristics, perspectives, and relationships that add to the vitality of an organization. The Commission is proud to be an employer that embraces the diversity and unique talents of each employee. The Commission created a Diversity Council to promote open dialogue and create initiatives that strengthen understanding and appreciation of individual uniqueness. The Commission believes that it is the individual uniqueness that is the common bond each employee has that enriches the organization’s tapestry.
The Commission’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement is as follows:
One Commission, One Philosophy: Thriving in a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
M-NCPPC, a leader in land use planning, parks, and recreation, celebrates the diversity of our workforce and the communities we serve. Diversity, combined with a commitment to equity and inclusion, communicates our organizational values, enriches the lives of our employees, and bolsters innovative thinking essential to success.
M-NCPPC recognizes diversity as a dynamic mix of personal and cultural characteristics, perspectives, and relationships as a vital organizational resource. In the workplace, diversity includes all the differences that define each of us as unique individuals. These differences include culture, ethnicity, race, sex, gender identity, nationality, age, religion, abilities, sexual orientation, experiences, opinions and beliefs, and any protected groups.
M-NCPPC believes equity is an active commitment to unbiased treatment while providing access and opportunity for people of all backgrounds to participate and thrive in the workplace.
M-NCPPC strives to enhance inclusion with a true sense of belonging that encourages the participation of all individuals by removing barriers, building a culture of connectedness, and recognizing that every voice adds value to our organization.
Diversity Goals
The Commission:
- Conducts all personnel activities in a way that assures equal employment opportunities on the basis of merit and encourages and administers diversity within adopted laws, operating principles, rules, and regulations
- Demands (and rewards) behaviors in the workplace, which contribute to understanding, respecting, and valuing all individuals
- Maximizes the agency’s effectiveness through inclusive processes that benefit staff and communities alike
- Will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or the practice of exclusion in any form
The Commission sponsors many initiatives that celebrate diversity. Events are hosted to recognize Black History Month, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, Women’s History Month, and Hispanic Heritage Month. The Commission’s sponsors many activities and programs for our communities’ senior citizens. There are also diversity workshops and training provided to all employees to promote greater awareness and strategies to avoid misunderstandings in cross-cultural communications. These are just some of the things the Commission does to celebrate our commitment to diversity.
Diversity in the Community
The Prince George’s Planning Department is involved in our community in many ways, learn more about the programs and ways the Planning Department is working in your community.
Our Initiatives
Since we believe that employees are our most valuable resource, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) has been a leader in implementing initiatives that allow individuals to grow, both professionally and personally.
Programs & Activities in the Workplace
The Planning Department sponsors many initiatives that celebrate diversity.
Diversity FAQs
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions.
How does the Prince George’s County Planning Department define diversity?
Diversity within the Planning Department refers to those differences between individuals employed in our organization, each of whom contributes to a rich and varied work environment. These differences include (but are not limited to) race, gender, ethnicity, age, personality, sexual orientation, physical abilities, cognitive style, religious and political beliefs, economic status, and education. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect for individual differences and the exploration of these differences in a positive and nurturing environment. It is about moving beyond mere tolerance of differences to understanding, embracing, and celebrating the varied dimensions of each individual and recognizing their value to our workplace.
For more information, please call (301) 952-3208.
What is the Culture Change Initiative (CCI)?
The Culture Change Initiative is the diversity program of the Prince George’s County Planning Department. Launched in 2005, CCI represents a commitment by the Planning Department to develop an inclusive workplace that recognizes the value of a diverse staff population. It is designed to create a corporate culture that is attractive for recruitment and retention, reduces negative employee perceptions, and improves staff morale. Through training and staff support, CCI continues to provide a learning environment to help our Department better serve the residents of Prince George’s County and encourage personal growth in a culturally rich work environment.
For more information, please call (301) 952-3208.
What makes diversity and inclusion important at the Prince George’s County Planning Department?
The Prince George’s County Planning Department serves an increasingly diverse population. As the cultural composition of Prince George’s County continues to evolve, our Department’s ability to effectively meet the needs of residents is strengthened as we foster and strategically manage diversity and inclusion in our workplace. Our Department recognizes that by embracing diversity and inclusion, we are able to enrich our performance and products; improve our relationships, morale, and teamwork; enhance problem solving, innovation, and creativity; strengthen our ties to the county’s communities; and provide effective customer services with the ability to better respond to future challenges and opportunities.
For more information, please call (301) 952-3208.
What kinds of programs does M-NCPPC have to accommodate diverse lifestyles?
M-NCPPC offers a wide variety of programs to accommodate various work schedules, child care needs, “green” initiatives, and education assistance. For more information, please see the Diversity Document.
What types of diversity events is M-NCPPC currently sponsoring?
For more information, please visit the links below:

Accessibility Design Guidelines
Our website has been designed with the following accessibility guidelines in mind:
- We work to comply with Section 508 as well as WCAG 2.1 level AA referring to website accessibility standards.
- If you have difficulty accessing the site or have any comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Browser Accessibility Information
Many popular browsers contain built-in accessibility tools.
UserWay (Accessibility Menu)

User way is our website’s very own Accessibility menu. Users can access UserWay by selecting the accessibility icon that’s available on every page.
Supported Technologies
- Latest Version of JAWS for Windows
- Latest Version of NVDA for Windows
- Latest Version of VoiceOver for Mac OS X
- Keyboard-Only Navigation
Additional Plug-ins
Adobe Reader is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website.
- To download this program for free, visit the Adobe website.
- To read PDF documents with a screen reader, please visit the Adobe Reader Accessibility website which provides useful tools and resources.