M-NCPPC Prince George’s County Planning Department Releases “Go Prince George’s”

March 4, 2025



For Immediate Release

March 4, 2025

M-NCPPC Prince George’s County Planning Department Releases “Go Prince George’s”

– Preliminary Countywide Master Plan of Transportation Now Available –

LARGO, MD – The Prince George’s County Planning Department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission announces the release of Go Prince George’s Preliminary Countywide Master Plan of Transportation. This long-range multi-modal transportation plan sets a guiding vision, supporting goals, and measurable actions to transform the County’s transportation network by creating more travel options and focusing on the movement of people versus the sole movement of vehicles. The Preliminary Countywide Master Plan of Transportation will advance the vision and goals of Plan Prince George’s 2035 – the County’s approved general plan, replace the 2009 Approved Countywide Master Plan of Transportation, and combine previously adopted transportation policies and recommendations for a comprehensive approach throughout the County.

Go Prince George’s:

  • Articulates the County’s vision for transportation and mobility.
  • Establishes the County’s policies for the movement of people and goods.
  • Supports safe and sustainable strategies for the County’s street network.
  • Creates better access to communities, job centers, and places of interest.
  • Recommends complete streets for transportation options for all users.
  • Recommends new or improved streets, services, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities.
  • Enhances implementation tools to support capital improvement projects and development review processes.

“We are proud of our collaborative work with residents, various government agency partners, and the incorporated municipalities located across Prince George’s County to establish a vision for a safe, sustainable, and equitable multimodal transportation network, to integrate new technology and innovation that has emerged over the past decade, and to incorporate various new ways we move including micromobility, air mobility, water mobility, goods movement, and super commuting,” said Lakisha Hull, Director of the M-NCPPC Prince George’s County Planning Department.

View the Go Prince George’s Publication:

Go Prince George’s, the 270-page publication, is available online to view and download. Print copies will be available to view at community centers and libraries across Prince George’s County. To view the online publication and the complete list of community centers and libraries with print copies, visit https://pgplan.org/go.  

Get Involved and Participate:

  • Visit the Go Prince George’s webpage to view the plan overview, timeline, existing conditions report, and presentations/videos from past meetings: https://pgplan.org/go
  • Email questions and submit comments to the Go Prince George’s Team: gopgc@mncppc.org.
  • View recent presentations to the Prince George’s County Planning Board at meetings: Go Prince George’s Update on September 26, 2024, and Request for Permission to Print on January 30, 2025.
  • Join the mailing list to receive announcements of next steps, upcoming events, and future joint public hearings.
  • Attend and speak with planners at an upcoming Open House Event on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 (6-8 PM) or Thursday, March 27, 2025 (12-2 PM) at the M-NCPPC Largo Headquarters, 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD 20774. Register in advance: https://pgplan.org/goopenhouse

About Go Prince George’s – Preliminary Countywide Master Plan of Transportation

Upon approval, Go Prince George’s will supersede and replace the 2009 Countywide Master Plan of Transportation, the Transportation and Mobility Element in Plan 2035, and transportation facility recommendations in all area master plans, sector plans, transit district development plans, and functional master plans approved prior to the date of approval of this plan.

This functional master plan was formulated over a four-year period and guided by a public participation plan that included engagement with residents, property owners, business owners, public agencies, and many other stakeholders. This functional master plan contains Prince George’s County’s vision for fundamentally transforming its multimodal transportation network to implement Plan 2035 and other County plans by increasing access to opportunities and advancing economic development, housing, and environmental goals by creating a twenty-first century multimodal mobility network. The plan contains goals, policies, and strategies to implement the plan vision safely, sustainably, and equitably. Go Prince George’s also includes an implementation framework illustrating the timeline, partnerships, and action items critical to achieving the County’s vision for its future.

About the Prince George’s County Planning Department

The Prince George’s County Planning Department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is responsible for preserving, protecting, and managing the county’s resources through high-quality planning services and growth management guidance. Our mission is to promote economic vitality, environmental sustainability, design excellence, and quality development that promotes healthy lifestyles in Prince George’s County. Visit our website, www.pgplanning.org, to learn how you can become engaged in shaping the future of your community.


The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission encourages the participation of persons with disabilities in all its programs and services. Register at least a minimum of two weeks in advance of the program start date to request and receive a disability accommodation. Call the Public Affairs Office at 301-952-3038, email PublicAffairs@ppd.mncppc.org, or complete the online form.


Calista Black

Chief Communications Officer

calista.black@mncppc.org | 301-952-3038

Patricia Villone

Public Affairs and Marketing Specialist III

patricia.villone@mncppc.org | 301-952-4112
