Subdivision Application Types

The following application types include all the case types reviewed under the new and prior Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations.*



To protect the natural environment during the land development process, applications are evaluated for impact on woodlands, wildlife habitats, green infrastructure, streams, floodplains, wetlands, unsafe soils, noise, and rare, threatened, and endangered species habitats. Staff also identify appropriate measures to mitigate the proposed impacts.

Expedited Transit-Oriented Development

Expedited Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD)

Created to expedite and incentivize transit-oriented development projects within the County, these site plan applications will be available online within 14 calendar days after the date of submittal.



Preliminary plans are reviewed to ensure that adequate public facilities are available, or will be available in the future, to serve the proposed development. Final plats, reservation plats, and vacation petitions include all pertinent engineering data necessary to locate every street, lot, block, and boundary on the ground.

Urban Design

Urban Design

Applications take into consideration the area between and around site development to better organize physical space and community environments and are reviewed for compliance with the Landscape Manual.



Applications are reviewed for adherence to the Zoning Ordinance. The review often takes into consideration the reasonable use and unique physical characteristics of an individual property to facilitate responsible development.

*The new Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations went into effect on April 1, 2022. For two years (until March 31, 2024), Applicants have the option to submit under the requirements of either the new or old Ordinance. [Note: Review under the old Ordinance requires a Pre-Application Conference and Statement of Justification to explain why the applicant has not chosen to develop under the provisions of the new Ordinance.]

Any application accepted prior to the effective date of the new Ordinance will be reviewed and decided in accordance with the provisions of the previous Ordinance. See the Transitional Provisions Quick Reference for more information.

**Applications that only apply to review under the previous Ordinance or Legacy Zones.